Monday, September 20, 2010

1st Bday!!

Birthday surprise from Grandpa and Grandma Henderson (Dad and Cindy)
Birthday banner courtesy of Aunt Dynee and Mama- turned out so freaking cute!

William's birthday party went great! There were little ones everywhere and I loved seeing all the babies playing together. Like a typical first time mom, I had scheduled William's one year well check and vaccinations the afternoon before his birthday party and wouldn't it figure that he had a little reaction to the flu shot. The day of his birthday party he was running a slight fever and was pretty needy throughout the day. He had spurts where he perked up and I think he had a good time regardless.

It was a really funny experience because I had all of these grand ideas of decor and food I wanted to do but the closer it got; the less I worried about it. I started making William's smash cake and cupcakes for the party Friday. I was wanting to start on the icing and fillings Friday night but ended up running around with Mom and Aunt Cinda instead. Then I thought I would just get up and finish it all Saturday morning. Well, the morning came and I had no interest in doing any of it so I just finished up the smash cake and then ran to the grocery store and bought the generic birthday cupcakes. The icing didn't even match my color scheme but for some reason I really didn't give a $hit. I think Will has chilled me out quite a bit. It is what it is- my new philosophy.

I was super excited to watch him tear into his first time with sweets but not so much on the devouring of the birthday cake. Even after Daddy pushed his face into it! he just sort of pinched the icing off one little, bitty lick at a time! Oh well, it's for the best anyway. I don't need a 12 mo. old all hopped up on sugar to begin with.

I wish everyone could have been here to join in on the fun but we will be heading to Kansas next month so William will get to spend some time with the Henderson clan then!

I cannot get over the fact that William is already a year old. They really do grow up sooo fast. He is walking all over the place and being independent (as independent as a 12 mo old can be). Where did my tiny baby go that I held and held for hours while I watched him sleep? He discovers new things everyday and loves it! He gets excited to do something on his own and when he figures things out for himself. I love him more than words could describe.

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